Spring is in the air and today is the first day of spring in Southern Cali. In California, we don’t have seasons. In the Winter everyone is wearing shorts and flip-flops, whereas in the Spring we are freezing our ass off and in Autumn, the Golden State is sweltering in the heat.  Regardless of our confusing seasons, what’s not confusing is this a Spring Season Sake for everyone!

This sake is a Junmai Daiginjo which is the highest grade of sake, which is the symbol of one of the most sophisticated Sake in the Japanese culture. It’s  Elegant like James Bond, this  Junmai Daiginjo is produced in a light style with springtime aromas, like white flowers, fresh spring mountain waters, and the taste of sun-kissed tree fruit of peach, apricots. Along with a zesty bite of grapefruit, and believe it or not sweet crunchy carrots on the finish.

This sake is best served chilled. Ippin Sake is produced by Yoshikubo brewery in Japan’s Ibaraki prefecture. The brewery was founded in 1790 and is currently being run by its twelfth owner, Hiroyuki “Seizaburo” Yoshikubo. The Yoshikubo Family has been brewing fine sake for 12 generations.

What is your Spring Fever Sake?

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Thank you and remember Taste Small Live Big!
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